
Friday, 28 March 2014

English- Prepositions

In Language,English, students read Robin Hood and attempted a comprehension exercise on the same. The also attempted  a summative task on debate writing keeping the essential elements of debate writing in mind. Prepositions was recapitulated with the students through activities and power point presentations.


Mathematics- Tessellation and Pentomino Shapes

In Mathematics,students were introduced to tessellations. They were shown how to create a tessellation using a tessellation tile. They were introduced to line graph and attempted the same in their note books and graph books. Numeracy Day was celebrated where students created their tessellations and also created figures with pentomino shapes.

Thursday, 27 March 2014

UOI- Biotic and Abiotic Factors

In the 5th Unit of Inquiry under the Trans-disciplinary Theme ‘ Sharing the Planet’, students constructed the central idea, used the dictionary to find out meanings of difficult words and noted down their understanding of the big idea. They reflected on a video on ecosystems and discussed terms like biotic and abiotic components in an ecosystem, interdependence, adaptations and how an ecosystem is just a small unit in a habitat. Natural and artificial habitats were discussed through a movie ‘ A Magic School Bus’. Children are looking at a biome in detail and have started researching on it keeping the climate, location, the physical features, flora, fauna, adaptation, interdependence between the biotic and abiotic factors and food chain in mind.

Sunday, 23 March 2014


In Language,English, students read Chapter 7 of Robin Hood. They attempted an oral comprehension exercise based on it. They also revisited connectives, conjunctions and debate writing.


In Mathematics, students were introduced to symmetry and they understood the difference between symmetry, rotation, translation and reflection.http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks2/maths/shape_space/symmetry/play/ is a wonderful site to revisit the concept.

Saturday, 22 March 2014


In Unit of Inquiry, students tuned in to their 5th unit under the Trans-disciplinary Theme ‘Sharing the Planet’. They reviewed and commented on pictures associated with the theme and also voiced their understanding of the theme through a graffiti. They recreated the desert, tundra, grassland and rainforest using pictures of relevant flora and fauna.